Cinch I.T. - AI-powered phishing, I.T. solutions, I.T. services, computer support, managed service provider
With the advent of generative AI, phishing scams have become more sophisticated than ever. Scammers can now send phishing emails that break language barriers, reply in real-time, and automate mass personalized campaigns almost instantly. The FBI is citing sources that scammers are spoofing domains and accessing sensitive data. As AI gives scammers an edge, how
Cinch I.T. - data backup, managed service provider, I.T. support, computer support,, business I.T. support
Are you an I.T. manager or business owner juggling countless responsibilities? When you’re caught up in the daily grind, managing your company’s data backup might not always be top of mind. Yet, it’s precisely these data concerns that can bring your business to a halt if not properly addressed. In an era where data breaches

What Is Email Spoofing?

What Is Email Spoofing - managed I.T. services, I.T. solutions, business I.T. support, I.T. support services - Cinch I.T.
Email is one of the most common avenues for cyberattacks, and cybercriminals often use it to deliver malicious content. Studies show that approximately 1.2% of all emails sent worldwide are malicious, translating to about 3.4 billion emails daily. But why are email attacks so common? Email is a widely used form of communication, and email-based
professional I.T. support, I.T. solutions, managed service provider, computer support, business I.T. support
Are you juggling the hats of CEO, marketing guru, and I.T. troubleshooter all before your first cup of coffee each morning? If you’re a business owner navigating the tightrope of managing your company’s professional I.T. support amidst a sea of other responsibilities, you’re not alone. It’s a common scenario where pressing I.T. issues take a
How to Spot Fake Links in Your Emails - Cinch I.T. Support in Atlanta, GA - it support in atlanta, atlanta computer support, computer support in atlanta, it services in atlanta, atlanta it services
Opening unknown links can be a risk factor for your business and staff. As a result, more and more business owners have incorporated fake link prevention strategies into their security training. We’ve come up with a few tips to help ensure that your staff members have critical information on how to spot fake links. This
Top 5 Password Managers for Your Business - managed service provider, managed I.T. services, I.T. support services, computer support, I.T. services - Cinch I.T. Tech Tips Blog
If you’re looking for the best password manager app for your organization, you’ve come to the right place. When you think of the word password, what comes to mind? Most likely, words like “difficult” or “annoying” would top your list. That’s because creating and remembering different access codes for all your online accounts can be
Cinch I.T. Blog - How To Prevent Ransomware At Your Business
Businesses that understand how to prevent ransomware significantly reduce their online vulnerability. This cyberattack scheme doesn’t garner nearly as much attention as common malware, but it can be even more debilitating. Ransomware attacks are so polished that many larger financial institutions have dedicated call centers to handle these data breaches. So, what is ransomware? Ransomware
Cinch I.T. - I.T. support Atlanta, I.T. support St. George, managed I.T. services, managed service provider
In today’s digital age, small businesses are increasingly reliant on technology for everyday operations. However, this dependence often comes with a set of challenges, especially when it comes to managing information technology (I.T.) effectively. The solution? Managed I.T. services. By outsourcing your I.T. needs, you can safeguard your business’s time, money, and employees, ensuring smooth
Cinch I.T. - I.T. support Atlanta GA, I.T. support Louisville KY, I.T. solutions, managed service provider, computer support, business I.T. support
Today, businesses use Information Technology (I.T.) for their daily operations. For your business to innovate, improve its productivity and customer experience, and stay secure, a robust I.T. system is necessary. However, small to medium business enterprises typically lack the resources and expertise to maintain this infrastructure. That’s where managed service providers come in – providing
Cinch I.T. - webcam issues
Today, webcams are essential tools for communication and collaboration in virtual meetings and video conferences. For video conferences or virtual meetings to be effective, you need to resolve webcam issues to avoid costly disruptions. Webcams face a variety of issues that cause them not to work well or fail to work at all. If you

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If you are a business owner who is plagued with slow computers, viruses, or email issues, then give Cinch IT a call.

Our consultative, proactive approach will help save you money and enhance productivity.
